Science article of PNU biochemists is on the pages of the authoritative EXCLI Journal!

The science article  “Risks of obesity and diabetes development in the population of the Ivano-Frankivsk region in Ukraine” written by biochemists from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University has been published in EXCLI Journal (4.6 Impact Factor). Prof. Volodymyr I. Lushchak, leading scientist of Ukraine, Doctor of Sciences in Biochemistry, laureate of prizes «Scopus Awards Ukraine» and «Web of Science Award Ukraine», professor at Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of PNU headed the team of authors.

Research work was realized in the framework of the joint Romanian-Ukrainian project “Personalized prevention tools in obesity and diabetes – a joint Romanian-Ukrainian programme of health education (PrePOD)”

“Publication wasn’t provided by the project. But our results were so striking that we decided to share it with the international scientific community. Eventually, Ukrainians, our region inhabitants in particular,  are getting closer to “developed” countries by the level of obesity and diabetes. And according to “pleasure / unpleasure” results of the project, it’s worth saying that more than half a hundred of our citizens received ‘first names’ about the risk of developing diabetes or its presence. And after that (forewarned is forearmed) there is individual work with family doctors or endocrinologists”, – retold prof. Volodymyr Lushchak.