Professor Ivan Monolatiy became the laureate of Volianyk-Shvabinskyi Ukrainian Free University Foundation (New York, USA)

Professor of the Department of Political Science, Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, Member of the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society and famous Ukrainian historian Ivan Monolatiy became the laureate of Volianyk-Shvabinskyi Ukrainian Free University Foundation (New York, USA). This is stated in the press release of UFUF.

The original source:…/fundatsiya-ukrayinskogo-vilnogo…

The competition aims to award the best scientific works on Ukrainian studies and literary works of various genres written in Ukrainian or English.

It is worth noting that under the terms of the competition there were evaluated works that first appeared in print in 2020 (not reprinted). Professor Ivan Monolatiy, in particular, was awarded with the prize for his book “Defeated Grief. Mnemonic figures of stateless literature”. In the book, the author highlights “mnemonic figures” – literary images, through the prism of which Ukrainian writers of the 1930s-1980s, both from Soviet Ukraine and from the diaspora, described the Ukrainian historic experience of the XX century. The book has got eleven chapters that represent eleven pairs of “mnemonic figures” of Ukrainian literature, selected by the theme and time of writing prose works.

We have to notice that this year the creative work of Professor of Precarpathian University Ivan Monolatiy was also awarded with the Vasyl Stefanyk Prize, the Taras Melnychuk Kolomyia Literary Prize and the Ivano-Frankivsk Ivan Franko City Prize.